2 Guns and a Guy
Tropicana Grape

Tropicana Grape

breed by 2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company

Here you can find all info about Tropicana Grape from 2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company. If you are searching for information about Tropicana Grape from 2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Tropicana Grape Strains (±2) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Tropicana Grape is a mostly indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±65 days), outdoors and in the greenhouse. 2 Guns and a Guys Tropicana Grape is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

2 Guns and a Guys Tropicana Grape Description

2 Guns and a Guy Seed Company Tropicana Grape Tropicana Grape is a Feminized Indica Hybrid strain that combines the floral grape candy flavors of The Grape Goudini and the tropical cherry flavors of Tropicana Cherry. Tropicana Grape gives a new spin on the proven Tropicana Cherry. She has a nice balanced ratio of indica and sativa, making it suitable for both daytime and nighttime use. Expect nice uniformed plant growth that respond to training and topping. Strong resistant plants that have performed great indoor and outdoor. She is not a heavy feeder during vegetative growth. We recommend supports while growing this plant. Indoor flowing is usually around 9 weeks. The flowers are colorful and frosty, with hues of purple, green, and orange. The aroma is a mix of tropical citrus, berry, and floral, with a hint of vanilla. The effects are uplifting and euphoric, with a relaxing body high that melts away stress and pain. Tropicana Grape is a delicious and potent strain that can satisfy any ailing Medical Patient.

Grower level: Easy

Helps: Pain, PTSD, Relaxation, Mental Clarity

Smell/Taste: Tropical citrus, berry, and floral, with a hint of vanilla

Family: Indica Hybrid

Indoor/Outdoor: Both

Size: Medium

Flower Time: Flowers 8-9 weeks

Lineage: Mother- The Grape Goudini X Father- Tropicana Cherry (reversal)

Sex: Feminized


Yield: Medium flowers 8-9 weeks

Tropicana Grape Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Tropicana Grape Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Tropicana Grape in our dynamic family tree map.

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Medical Values

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