Garden of Green
Larry’s Lemon OG

Garden of Green (Larry’s Lemon OG) Lineage & Hybrids

Lineages :: Crossings & Hybrids

Map all Larry’s Lemon OG parents

All parents of Larry’s Lemon OG can be visualized easily with our unique dynamic family tree! Click and zoom into our map to have all the genetics of Larry’s Lemon OG at one view!


Map all Larry’s Lemon OG hybrids

All crossings of Larry’s Lemon OG can be visualized easily with our unique dynamic hybrid map! Click and zoom into our map to find the right Larry’s Lemon OG crossing for you.


Ancestors / Parents / Genealogy

Larry’s Lemon OG Hybrids / Crossings

Hybrids / Crossings (min. 2. Generation):

Hybrids / Crossings (min. 3. Generation):

Hybrids / Crossings (min. 4. Generation):