Reggae Seeds
Juanita la Lagrimosa

Juanita la Lagrimosa

breed by Reggae Seeds

Here you can find all info about Juanita la Lagrimosa from Reggae Seeds. If you are searching for information about Juanita la Lagrimosa from Reggae Seeds, check out our Basic Infos, Awards, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Juanita la Lagrimosa Strains (±2) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Juanita la Lagrimosa is a mostly sativa variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±63 days) and outdoors. Reggae Seeds' Juanita la Lagrimosa is a CBD Strain with the same amount of THC and CBD and is/was also available as feminized seeds.

Reggae Seeds' Juanita la Lagrimosa Description

Reggae Seeds Juanita la Lagrimosa Ya está aquí nuestra querida Juanita la Lagrimosa en versión feminizada.
De una colaboración entre bancos de semillas, hemos feminizado, con garantías, una Juanita la Lagrimosa para que todos los que la deseeis la podais cultivar y disfruteis de su calidad.
Del cruce de una mexico/afgana x Reina Madre original nació Juanita la Lagrimosa, una planta que no te dejará indiferente, te lo aseguramos.
Una planta predominantemente sativa, de producción alta y con un tiempo de floración relativamente corto de entre 60/65 días en indoor y en exterior para recoger en la primera quinzena de octubre.

Una planta con aroma a cítricos haze, un paladar afrutado/hash y un humo haze/hash que no dejará de sorprenderte, te recuerda a tantas cosas que lo único que desearás es que nadie te quite tu tesoro. Efecto muy cerebral y limpio, high high high, no pararás de pensar, hablar y moverte, muy social. No es muy aconsejable para relajarse.

Cruce: Mexico/afgana x Reina Madre
Sativa/Indica: 75/25
Floración int. 60/65 días
Floración ext. 1a quincena octubre
Producción int. de 400/600 g/m2
Producción ext. de 700/1000 g/m2

Sorry, no proper english description up to now!

Juanita la Lagrimosa Awards

Reggae Seeds' Juanita la Lagrimosa is a cupwinning variety and won the 2nd Place at the The Karma Cup 2014 in the category Sativa, submitted by Pedro!

Juanita la Lagrimosa Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Juanita la Lagrimosa Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Juanita la Lagrimosa in our dynamic family tree map.

Juanita la Lagrimosa Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 29 direct descendants from Reggae Seeds' Juanita la Lagrimosa in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Juanita la Lagrimosa Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

CBD Cheese
Cheese x Juanita la Lagrimosa
Juanita Hills
Juanita la Lagrimosa x Orange Hill Special
Doctor Diesel
Sour Diesel x Juanita la Lagrimosa
Juanita La Lagrimosa
Juanita la Lagrimosa
Juanita la Lagrimosa x Juanita la Lagrimosa reversed
Juanita la Lagrimosa x {NYC Diesel x Unknown Strain}
Juanita la Lagrimosa x KC36
Black Diesel
Juanita la Lagrimosa x NYC Diesel
Marcelo de 2
Juanita la Lagrimosa x Brazilian Transamazonica
Diesel Queen
Juanita la Lagrimosa

Map of the Juanita la Lagrimosa Descendants

If you are with a big screen and not browsing with your mobile, check out our dynamic family tree map with all known hybrids of Juanita la Lagrimosa! (but this maybe will need some time to load all the data!)

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User Reviews

Our strain reviews are multilingual, searchable and can be very detailed - including data about the grow, aroma, effects and taste! Please upload your Juanita la Lagrimosa Review here to help the other seedfinder users!

Medical Values

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You found a related video with additional information or grow-infos about Juanita la Lagrimosa on YouTube? Please connect it here to the strain info page!