Granddaddy Grape

Granddaddy Grape

an unknown / legendary cannabis strain

Here you can find all info about the unknown / legendary cannabis variety Granddaddy Grape. If you are searching for information about the unknown / legendary Granddaddy Grape, check out our Basic Infos, Lineage / Genealogy or Hybrids / Crossbreeds for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Granddaddy Grape Strains (±2) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic Strain Info

Granddaddy Grape is a mostly indica variety from unknown origin and can be cultivated indoors and outdoors. .

What do we know about the unknown/legendary Granddaddy Grape?

Granddaddy Grape is an indica dominant hybrid strain created by crossing the classic Granddaddy Purps X Grape Ape strains. This bud is said to be like either of its parents but to the nth degree. The flavor is like an amplified Granddaddy Purps, with a super sweet flavor of fruity grapes topped with spicy dank musk. The aroma is of pungent spicy grapes with a musky sweet skunky effect that will fill any room with a powerful stench. This bud has dense spade-shaped light minty green nugs with purple undertones, thick orange hairs, and a frosty thick coating of tiny purple crystal trichomes. The Granddaddy Grape high is that of a heavy indica, with psychoactive mind effects and completely relaxing body effects that blend beautifully. The high starts with a euphoric lift that is very hazy and happy, leaving you introspective and very spacey. This is accompanied by a building body buzz that washes over you, leaving you completely couch-locked and stoned without any hope of moving any time soon. These effects paired with its 16-20% average THC level make Granddaddy Grape the perfect choice for treating patients suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia, appetite loss, and chronic stress or anxiety.

Granddaddy Grape Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Granddaddy Grape Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Granddaddy Grape in our dynamic family tree map.

Granddaddy Grape Hybrids & Crossbreeds

Grape Ape
Granddaddy Grape x Skunk #1

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User Reviews

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Medical Values

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