STF Exotikz

Gardulla (STF Exotikz) :: StrainReview :: Indoor

Plant-Profile about Gardulla (by STF Exotikz)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 05.09.2023.

Information about the growth of the plants:

Flowering Time Indoor
Between 35 an 85 days (Average: 60 days.)
Growth Behavior
Side Branches
incomprehensibly many; very long as well as strong and vigorous.
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
...need place and should not be placed close together. not need much care.
...are tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...need much fertilizer.
...are not vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are not susceptible to mold. not like any major fluctuations in temperature.
...have no problems with low temperatures. not like high temperatures.
...looks and grow more like a Indica.
...need a lot of room upward.
...are well suited for a SoG (See of Green).
...are a good choice for beginners.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.
...should not be heavily pruned. many, thick buds on the side branches.
...should be supported into the flowering period. (Nets, JoJos, Bamboo-Sticks).
...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
...can build pre flowers into the growth period.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is great.
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is super.
Bud Structure
The dried buds are rockhard and extremely compact.

General Impression

Gardulla (STF Exotikz)

is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable
(On average 10 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)

Additional Information

STFExotikz says

The terpene profile once you get into full flower.
Wine, Sour Berry & Cheesy Funk. Ripe Cantaloupe melon terpene, cotton Candy, still sour and funk there. By these being reg seeds and F2 variety, they will express more scents and terpenes.
(05.11.2023, 16:19)

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